Protek Wood Preserver is a quick drying water-based product that is robust, hard wearing, and can be applied to all pressure treated timber. It contains active ingredients effective against wood destroying and wood discolouring fungi. Protek Wood Preserver penetrates wood easily and thereby gets deep into inner layers.
It is recommended that 3-4 coats be applied. Protek Royal is a high-build formulation, so each extra cost increases the colour, sheen and protection to help weatherproof your building. For added protection, a clear top coat is recommended.
Gutters and vents are strongly recommended on all buildings. We recommend using a primer when a white or light colour is used. Protek Stain Blocking Primer is available for £69 (5 litres).
It is moisture regulating and provides an adhesive surface (priming basecoat) for subsequent treatment with finishing paints (top coat). It acts against wood destroying and wood staining fungi (blue stain), according to EN152, EN113, EN73, EN84 and also conforms to EN71 parts 2 & 3 relating to child toy safety and flammability. After drying it is odourless.
We can deliver to the following postcodes: AL, BN, BR, CR, CT, CM, DA, EC, EN, GU, HA, HP, IG, KT, LU, ME, NW, N, E, W, PO, RG, RH, RM, SE, SG, SL, SM, SO, SS, SW, TN, TW, UB, WC, WD
Skinners Sheds
Head Office Ninfield Road Bexhill East Sussex TN39 5JP England United Kingdom
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Note that this is different from the vendor’s place of establishment","vr_dts_env":"Environment","vr_dts_env_h":"Indicates the environments where the vendor operates","vr_dts_tserv":"Type of Services","vr_dts_tserv_h":"Indicates the type of services offered by the vendor","vr_dts_trnsfout":"International Transfers outside of the EU\/EEA","vr_dts_trnsfout_h":"Indicates whether the vendors transfer personal data outside of the EU\/EEA","vr_dts_trnsfmch":"International Transfer Mechanisms"},"nontcf_snp_desc":" \u003Ch5\u003EStrictly Necessary Cookies\u003C\/h5\u003E \u003Cul\u003E\u003Cli\u003EClickio CMP\u003Cul\u003E\u003Cli\u003E__lxG__consent__v2_gdaisybit\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003E__lxG__consent__v2_daisybit\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003E__lxG__consent__v2\u003C\/li\u003E\u003C\/ul\u003E\u003C\/li\u003E\u003C\/ul\u003E\u003Ch5 data-role=\u0022partners_header\u0022\u003EStrictly Necessary Partners\u003C\/h5\u003E","nontcf_snp_lnk":"Show details","nontcf_snp_tgl":"Always on"}