A great looking cabin looks even better with a quality roof. The best and most cost effective covering is glass fibre and polymer reinforced bitumen roof shingles.
The bottom of tiles is coated with adhesive polymer-reinforced bitumen layer protected with easily removed silicon membrane. As a result of a little exposure to the sun, the overlapped tiles stick to each other thus forming a double waterproofing layer, which guarantees excellent leak resistance of the roof.
Bitumen flexible tiles are designed for pitched roofs (from 12°) used in fully residential, industrial and other buildings, including garden buildings.
The top layer of tiles is surfaced with mineral granules that give colour to the tiles and ensure high UV- protection and weather resistance qualities. The granules are cured in high temperature (pigment burned-in into the surface of granules) and guarantees long durability of the colour. Composition of the tiles: durable and highly resistant fibre glass base coated with polymer- reinforced bitumen mix made of high quality bitumen and aggregate.
Felt shingle tiles are not recommended for buildings in open and exposed areas. The price is £5.15 per sq ft including installation.