01424 716 716
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01424 716 716

Fake Skinners Sheds voucher codes

We have been informed by customers that there are numerous websites offering discount code vouchers for our website. These are easy to find by searching for Skinners Sheds voucher/discount codes and as a result a number of our customers are being misled into entering details to claim a voucher code, or being directed via these websites to our website with the claim of a percentage off products.

These websites are in no way affiliated with us, and therefore are using the Skinners Sheds brand without permission. We do not use third party websites to offer discounts or price promotions, and these advertised discount codes will not work. If we were to issue any voucher codes you will only find them in the following places:

  • Our website
  • Our email communications
  • Our social media channels

Fraudulent voucher code websites can mislead you into entering personal data by promising discounts that are not valid, or make money through the adverts being displayed on their web pages. The sources behind these fraudulent sites can use your information for fraudulent purposes and we strongly advise that if you are a UK customer and you have been a victim of fraud that you report the incident to https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

@ 2024 Skinners Sheds Ltd • Registered in England & Wales No 03709428 • VAT No 724691325.